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Conversion Tracking Manuals

Tracking your campaign performance is important and having the right tools to help you along the way makes a difference. The TrafficJunky team created several conversion tracking manuals that will help you integrate the TrafficJunky API with third parties to have access to your data wherever your campaigns run. Our Server2Server integration seamlessly adds data allowing ubiquitous access.
AdsBridge provides tracking solutions for affiliate marketers and media buyers with top tier optimization tools. Download the PDF to see how your TrafficJunky campaigns perform on the AdsBridge platform.
Binom is a self-hosted tracking platform that saves you time and increases your efficiency. Download the PDF to see how your TrafficJunky campaigns perform on the Binom platform.
Redtrack provides accurate data for impressions, clicks and conversions in real-time all on one platform. Download the PDF to see how your TrafficJunky campaigns perform on the Redtrack platform.
Peerclick tracks, analyzes and optimizes ad campaigns and affiliate programs in real time. Download the PDF to see how your TrafficJunky campaigns perform on the Peerclick platform.
Track, optimize and automate your ads on Voluum. Download the PDF to see how your TrafficJunky campaigns perform on the Voluum platform.
CP Lab Pro
CP Lab Pro offers a powerful tracker that tests, tracks and optimizes campaigns. Download the PDF to see how your campaigns perform on their platform.
ThriveTracker is an AI tracker that provides all the tools needed to compare your spend to what you've earned. Download the PDF to see how your campaigns perform on their platform.
Keitaro is a universal tracker that optimizes advertising campaigns, analyzes acquisition channels, and controls CPA funnels. Download the PDF to see how your campaigns perform on their platform.

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