Terms of Use Advertisers

Last Updated: October 15, 2024

By accessing this Website, you will be deemed to have agreed to these Terms of Use, as well as our Policies, including, but not limited to, our referral program terms and conditions, our Listing Policy, and our Privacy Notice (hereinafter the/our “Terms”). If you do not intend to be legally bound by our Terms, you must not access or use our website or any services on it.


In these Terms of Use unless the context otherwise requires:

"Ad Space" means the space contained on the Seller's website, email newsletters, or other property for Advertisement.

"Advertisement" includes all forms of digital text, graphics, rich media, and other advertisements of the Buyer whether being broadcast visually and/or aurally via the internet including all content contained therein.

"TrafficJunky" means Aylo Freesites Ltd.

"Buyer" includes any Member who bids on, wins, or buys Ad Space or any person acting on their behalf with express or implied authority.

"Contract Period" means the period of time the Seller agrees to lease its Ad Space to the Buyer in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Seller's listing.

"Member" means any account holder of this Website including Buyers and Sellers.

"Seller" means any Member who creates a listing for the sale of Ad Space or any person acting on its behalf with express or implied authority.

"We", "Us" and "Our" means TrafficJunky.

"Website" means the TrafficJunky Website under the domain name www.TrafficJunky.com.

"Website Content" means the content of the website or other property in which the Ad Space appears or is to appear.

"You", "Your" and "Users" means any persons accessing the TrafficJunky Website including Members, Buyers and Sellers and includes anyone acting on their behalf with express or implied authority.


In these Terms of Use unless the context otherwise requires:

  • Words importing the singular or plural include the plural and singular respectively;
  • Words importing any gender include every gender;
  • Words denoting persons include bodies and corporations;
  • A reference to a party or parties means the named parties to this document and includes that party's executors, administrators, and permitted assigns, or if a company, its successors, and permitted assigns;
  • Clause headings do not affect the interpretation of this document;
  • Where a word or phrase is given a particular meaning in this document, other parts of speech and grammatical forms of that word or phrase have a corresponding meaning;
  • A reference to a clause or a provision is a reference to a clause of this document; and
  • Every agreement, covenant, or undertaking expressed or implied by which more than one person is bound binds those persons and any two or more of them jointly and each of them severally.


You acknowledge that the purpose of this Website is to provide a medium that brings together buyers and sellers of Ad Space. We are not an auctioneer and are not involved in the actual transactions between Buyers and Sellers. Our services are limited to providing bid-based or flat-price buying models enabling Buyers and Sellers to transact between themselves.


You may only list, bid on, or buy Ad Space if you are a member of TrafficJunky. Membership is free. You may apply for membership at any time.

You must have the legal capacity to enter into legally binding contracts in order to apply for membership.

Your membership is not transferable under any circumstances.

Any membership information or content you provide to us or post to our website must be accurate, true, and correct, complete without omissions of necessary information, current, and kept up to date.


It is your responsibility to keep your password safe. You must not give out or allow any person to use your username and password. You are responsible for all transactions, communications, agreements, and actions undertaken with your username and password.

If you suspect any unauthorized use of your account, you must report it to TrafficJunky immediately. We recommend that you change your password on a regular basis. You must not respond to any request for your password by anyone, even if the request is made by someone claiming to be an employee of TrafficJunky. You must immediately notify us if you receive such a request.


TrafficJunky does not allow the retraction of bids. If you win an auction or if your offer to purchase is accepted by a Seller, you have agreed to enter into a legally binding contract with the Seller.

As a Buyer, you must complete each and every transaction you make with a Seller unless the transaction is prohibited by law or by the Listing Policy.

By purchasing Ad Space, you agree to be bound by the conditions of sale included in the listing description unless those conditions of sale are prohibited by law or by the Listing Policy.

If you do not fulfill a transaction or fail to comply with its conditions of sale, you may become liable to the Seller and to TrafficJunky. Without prejudice to any other rights, the Seller may leave comments for that transaction and/or issue court proceedings against you and we may among other things suspend or terminate your account.

By submitting an Advertisement to a Seller, the Buyer warrants that it is the owner of all content, copyright, and intellectual property in the Advertisement. The Buyer grants the Seller the right to communicate the Advertisement to the public, perform and display the content worldwide, and/or to incorporate it in other works in any form, media or technology now known or later developed for the purpose of the Seller performing its obligations during the contract period. The Buyer permits any user to access, display, view, and store such content. Subject to the above, the Buyer shall retain all intellectual property rights that exist in its Advertisement.

The Buyer acknowledges and agrees that the Seller may preserve the Buyer's Advertisement content and may disclose any Advertisement in order to comply with legal requests, to enforce the Terms or to respond to any claim that any Advertisement violates the rights of third parties or to protect the rights, property or personal safety of TrafficJunky, the Seller, Users and the public.

It is the Buyer's responsibility to satisfy itself of the suitability and appropriateness of the Website Content and the quality of the Ad Space. TrafficJunky does not screen and is not responsible for proactively screening or monitoring any material or communications posted by the Seller on either the Seller's website or on this Website. We do not in any way make any warranties or representations regarding the results which the Buyer may or may not gain from buying the Ad Space.


If you elect to use any of the services provided by TrafficJunky, you will be receiving invoices. Said invoices shall be payable upon receipt unless the services have been prepaid. Interest shall be payable on any amounts that remain unpaid on or before the date twenty (20) days after the date such payments are due, without the need for TrafficJunky to issue a default notice. Each late payment shall bear interest to the legal interest rate that applies in Cyprus per annum during the period of default payment and any other compensation for recovery costs shall be added to the amount due as per applicable law. The interest will be compounded on each last day of each month.


The Buyer warrants that:

  • It is authorized to publish the Advertisement(s);
  • The content of their Advertisement(s) is not unlawful, does not infringe the rights of any person and complies with our Terms.
  • It has obtained all necessary permissions or releases to display the Advertisement.
  • Any website linked to the Buyer's Advertisement(s) in addition to any product or services advertised complies with all applicable laws and regulations, does not or has not breached any duty towards or the rights of any person and is not false, misleading, obscene, defamatory, hateful, or otherwise illegal.


We do not and cannot make any representation or warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or currency of any information or content provided on or accessible via this Website including but not limited to information contained in Sellers' listings. We do not control or verify any information or content provided to us by Members and therefore we will not accept any and hereby exclude all legal liability for such information or content, except if we obtain actual knowledge of illegal activity or illegal content, upon which we will act expeditiously to remove or to disable access to any such illegal content.

As we are not involved in the actual transactions between Buyers and Sellers, we have no control over the appropriateness, effectiveness, quality, safety or legality of the Ad Space or content posted by the Sellers on this Website or of the Buyers' advertisements, the truth or accuracy of listings, the ability of Sellers to sell their Ad Space or the ability of Buyers to buy Ad Space.

It is the Buyer's responsibility to satisfy itself of the suitability, quality, and condition of any Ad Space it proposes to purchase and of the truthfulness and accuracy of the Seller's listing.

We do not and cannot confirm or guarantee any Seller's or Buyer's purported identity or contact details.

Sending you notices and other communications about your transactions does not mean we endorse, guarantee or legitimize the transaction. Some information in our communications and notices will be provided to us by other Members. You acknowledge that we do not confirm, approve, control, endorse or guarantee any information provided to us by other Members by using that information in communications with you.

You acknowledge that the sole purpose of this Website is to provide a means for Sellers to sell and Buyers to buy advertising space. You assume all risk and liability for using our listing services. All listings sold through our website are intended to be used for listing purposes only. We do not provide any marketing or promotional services and accordingly we do not make any warranty or promise as to increased interest, traffic, awareness or sales growth for the Seller's or Buyer's business.

More specifically, Sellers and Buyers acknowledge and agree that any transactions and funds used to purchase ad impressions or Ad Space on our Website are final and not refundable when the ad impressions and/or the Ad Space has effectively been provided. Therefore, Sellers and Buyers hereby waive any rights of dispute for refunds in relation to any performance or revenue expectations in relation to impressions or Ad Space.

Refunds may be offered to you on sums you have credited to your account before these sums are spent, in some circumstances. Our decisions about refunds are made on a case-by-case basis and depend on the facts and circumstances of the particular issue. All refunds are made at our sole discretion and without admission of liability. Please note that refunds are not offered once a purchase is made through TrafficJunky.

We do not make, and exclude to the fullest extent permitted by law, all warranties including without limitation any implied warranties as to quality, safety, title, fitness for purpose and merchantability of this Website or of any Ad Space offered for sale at this Website.

We do not make, and exclude to the fullest extent permitted by law, all warranties that using this service and this Website will not result in infringement of third party rights, including, but not limited to, intellectual property rights.

Where any warranty or condition cannot be excluded our liability for breach of such warranty or condition is limited to either of the following:

  • Resupplying the service;
  • Crediting the cost of the service to you.


We cannot and do not control the actions or inactions of Members dealing through this Website and exclude all liability in this regard to the fullest extent possible.

We do not guarantee that a Buyer or Seller will actually perform or complete a transaction or act lawfully in transacting over this Website.

It is your responsibility to enforce any rights owed to you by another Member. We do not provide any insurance, warranty or any other form of protection for Buyers or Sellers in the event of non-performance by another Member. We merely provide a medium to bring Buyers and Sellers together, enabling them to transact between themselves. We will not be responsible or liable for any disputes between the Seller and the Buyer. All disputes between the Seller and the Buyer must be resolved between themselves, without prejudice to the possibility to report content on the Website that is thought to be illegal or to violate our Terms, as set out in detail in section 25 below.

You acknowledge that other users may post offensive, harmful, inaccurate, fraudulent, deceptive, or defamatory content or content with errors or omissions on this Website. Further, there are risks with using this Website including people acting under false pretenses, dealing with underage persons and/or foreign persons, and international trading.


If you

  • engage in fraudulent, misleading or deceptive activity in connection with this Website;
  • breach the Terms of Use, the Listing Policy, any of our other policies or any applicable law; or
  • participate in conduct that is harmful to the interests of TrafficJunky or its directors, employees, related entities, agents or affiliates,

then we may, after giving notice to you where appropriate:

  • suspend, terminate or amend your membership;
  • cancel or amend any of your listings without refund; or
  • issue you with a warning, and/or refuse to sell or provide our services to you.

The rights in this clause do not limit any other remedies available to us by law, in equity or under these Terms of Use.

11. INFRINGING THIRD PARTY Intellectual Property

We cannot and do not investigate or control who owns particular copyright or other intellectual property rights.

If you are the owner of copyright or of other intellectual property rights and you believe your rights are being infringed by a listing on this website, please contact us at legal@trafficjunky.com. Please also refer to section 25 below for further details about our content moderation processes.


To the fullest extent possible, we, our affiliates, directors, employees and related entities exclude all liability, whether in tort or contract or otherwise, for any claims, damages, any actual, special, direct, indirect, exemplary, special or consequential loss or damage, costs, expenses, claims in respect of economic loss, loss of profits, any loss of or damage to data, property or goodwill or death or injury to any person of whatever nature and however or wherever sustained including by negligence arising out of or in connection with your or any person's use of the website or our services even if advised of the possibility of such damages.

To the fullest extent possible we exclude all liability relating to any errors, omissions and offensive, harmful, inaccurate, deceptive, or defamatory content contained or implied on this Website.


Users agree to defend and indemnify and forever hold TrafficJunky, its related entities, officers, directors, employees, agents and affiliates harmless against liability for any claims, demands, proceedings, losses, damages whether actual, special or consequential, expenses and costs, including legal costs on an indemnity basis, made by you or by any third party as a result of or in connection with your use of this Website or your or a third party's breach of our Terms, any applicable law or the rights of a third party.


You agree to be bound by the terms and conditions, policies and charges, including chargeback fees, of any gateway and of any credit card provider(s) you propose to use for accepting or making a payment through this Website. In order to make payments via certain gateways, you accept that TrafficJunky will be sending you an e-mail to validate your account with a given gateway service provider.


To comply with Cyprus and European Union (“EU”) Value-Added Tax (“VAT”) regulations, we are required to remit VAT on certain bidding transactions made on this Website. Tax is required to be charged in the following situations:

  • The local VAT is charged to customers who are individuals located in the EU.
  • The local VAT is charged to customers who are corporations located in the EU that are not registered for VAT, or have not provided a valid VAT registration number.
  • VAT is applicable on all transactions between two Cypriot entities.

16. Data Protection

Aylo Freesites Ltd (“Aylo”) operates TrafficJunky (the “Platform”), an advertising platform offering multiple services including, without limitation, serving its Buyer’s Advertisements on Seller’s websites and applications (the "Services"). Buyer uses the Services to place Advertisements in accordance with the Platform’s Terms of Use and Rules and Regulations.

Aylo and the Buyer (collectively the “Parties” and individually the “Party”) wish to set forth the arrangements concerning the Processing of Personal Data within the context of the Services and agree to comply with the following provisions.


The terms “Controller(s)”, “Data Subject(s)”, “Joint-Controller(s)” “Personal Data”, “Personal Data Breach(-es)”, “Processing”, “Processor(s)” shall each have the meaning given to those terms under EEA Data Protection Laws.

EEA Data Protection Laws” means Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (“GDPR”), Directive 2002/58/EC and any legislation and/or regulation implementing or made pursuant to them or which amends, replaces, or consolidates any of them and any other data protection legislation of the European Union, or of a member state of the European Union or European Economic Area.

Ad Publisher” means a digital property owner that sells advertising space in its property.

Third-Party Programming Code” means programming code provided by Buyer (in the form of certain tools offered through the Platform) embedded on Aylo websites, enabling User Personal Data Processing by Buyer.

User Personal Data” means any Personal Data pertaining to users, including without limitation any user interaction with the Advertisements, such as impressions, clicks, conversions, installations, and any other user action, unique device identifiers and attribution data.

Processing of Personal Data

In the course of providing the Services, Aylo may process User Personal Data. Except in the case of Joint Processing below, Aylo shall not make available to Buyer and Buyer shall not access, collect, use or share any User Personal Data, for any purpose, including, but not limited to, delivering Advertisements, retargeting users or constructing profiles of users. Aylo shall only make available to Buyer aggregated data, statistics and information that are not considered Personal Data necessary for the provision of the Services.

Joint Processing

Where expressly permitted by Aylo, certain Buyers embed Third-Party Programming Code on Aylo websites (in the form of certain tools offered through the Platform), enabling User Personal Data Processing by the Buyer. By embedding Third-Party Programming Code on its websites, Aylo, acting as an Ad Publisher, determines, jointly with Buyer, the purposes and means of this data Processing and is regarded as a Joint Controller with respect to this collection of User Personal Data and disclosure to Buyer, despite Aylo not having access to the User Personal Data collected and transmitted to Buyer. The Parties act as Joint Controllers only for the part that concerns the collection and transmission of User Personal Data from Aylo to Buyer. For this purpose, the Parties have entered into the Joint Controller Agreement which supplements these Terms of Use. 


All rights to copyright, trademarks, service marks and trade dress in this Website including all content, text, graphics, photos, logos, button icons, images and audio clips are either owned by us or licensed to us by our Members or third parties. We and/or our software suppliers own all software used on this Website.

All such material and software are protected by domestic and/or international copyright and other intellectual property laws. You may only use this material for browsing this Website and you are strictly prohibited from scraping, reproducing, adapting, modifying, distributing, transmitting, republishing, framing, displaying, or performing the content on this Website.

The trademark TrafficJunky is owned by Licensing IP International Sàrl® and used under license. You must not use this trademark unless you have our express prior written authorization. All other trademarks, trade names, service marks and other intellectual property rights that appear on this Website are the property of their respective owners. You may not use any such intellectual property without the respective owner's express consent.


You must comply with all policies, guidelines, help and frequently asked questions pages published on this Website. All such policies and pages are incorporated into our Terms.


You must comply with all laws (including domestic and international), statutes, ordinances, and regulations in respect of using this Website, viewing its content and when using our services. Sellers, it is your responsibility to investigate whether and what information you may lawfully advertise on this Website. Please also carefully read our Listing Policy.


Due to occasional upgrades, maintenance, and other factors outside our control, we cannot guarantee 100% continuous, uninterrupted, or secure access to, and use of, this Website. We provide this Website on an "as is" and "as available" basis. We make no representations or warranties that this Website, information, content or materials available on this Website, its servers or emails sent from TrafficJunky will be:

  • uninterrupted;
  • free of defects, viruses, inaccuracies, errors or other harmful components;
  • will meet your requirements; or
  • will operate in the configuration or with other hardware or software that you use.

Using this Website is undertaken at your own risk.

TrafficJunky grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable, limited right and license to access and use this Website solely in order to sell and buy Ad Space in full compliance with our Terms. You agree not to download (other than page caching for authorized Users) or modify this Website or any portion of it without our prior express, written consent. Unless expressly stated otherwise such license does not include:

  • any rights of resale or commercial use of this Website or its contents (other than Advertising);
  • any collection or use of any media metrics available on or through this Website, listings, descriptions, or prices;
  • any derivative use of this Website or its contents;
  • any downloading or copying of account information for the benefit of another merchant; or
  • any use of data mining, robots, scraping, or similar data gathering or extraction tools.

The Website (or any portion of it) may not be reproduced, duplicated, copied, sold, resold, or otherwise exploited for any commercial purpose without our prior express, written consent. Any unauthorized use terminates the permission or license granted by TrafficJunky under this clause.

If your membership is terminated for whatever reason then we may delete any content, material, files, graphics or other content or material relating to your use of this Website. Immediately upon termination you are prohibited from accessing and using this Website. We reserve the right to use any means we deem necessary to prevent unauthorized access to this Website including but not limited to technological barriers, internet protocol (IP) banning, email banning and direct contact with your internet service provider (ISP). If your account is terminated for your material breach, you must immediately, pay us all fees and any other amounts that you owe us prior to termination.

For security reasons, if you have not logged into your account for 6 (six) months or longer, your account will go into "Inactive" Status. This means you will not have the ability to log in, but your campaigns will continue to run as long as you have funds on the account. To re-activate, you will need to contact a TrafficJunky representative.


TrafficJunky will not be liable for failing to perform under these Terms of Use by the occurrence of any event beyond its reasonable control, including, without limitation, a labour disturbance, an internet outage or interruption of service, a communication outage, a failure by a service provider to TrafficJunky to perform, fire, threatened or actual act of terrorism, natural disaster, or war.


We may close this Website at any time in our absolute discretion and without prior notice. We may delete any files or content which you post or maintain at this Website. We do not undertake to retain copies of any material which we or others may delete from this Website. For this reason, we strongly advise you to keep a copy of any such material.


Any links to services, goods, resources, or information of third parties provided at this Website, whether through third-party advertising or otherwise, are not controlled by TrafficJunky. We make no representations or warranties, including without limitation warranties of fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, and non-infringement, regarding any services, resources, goods, or information of any third party. We will not be liable for your use of, or reliance on, the services, resources, goods, or information of third parties, as long as we have no actual knowledge of an infringement of third party rights or of the illegality of an activity or piece of content.


You must not:

  • use any robot, spider or any other device to scrape, copy or monitor our web pages and content in whole or in part;
  • use any software, device or routine that contains any viruses or any other damaging computer programming mechanisms that interfere with the proper working of our Website;
  • take any action that imposes an unreasonable burden on our service infrastructure, including our hardware, bandwidth and software;
  • alter or tamper with any information, content or materials on, or associated with, this Website.


As an intermediary for a large amount of third-party content, we cannot and do not undertake to monitor or control the  content available on this Website. Users are solely responsible for their interactions with other users of this Website. Users must not post any fraudulent, misleading, defamatory, infringing, or unlawful content on this Website or any content that infringes any applicable laws or rights of third parties or that violates our Terms. Users agree to defend and indemnify us against any infringement, breach of privacy, defamation or similar claims relating to their use of this Website.

We reserve the right, but are not obliged, to monitor content and materials posted on this Website and to remove, edit or take any other action to restrict access to any material or content that we or another User may consider to be obscene, unlawful, defamatory, invasive of privacy or otherwise inappropriate or objectionable.

Buyer acknowledges and agrees that TrafficJunky has no control over any content on any Seller's website. It is the Buyer's sole responsibility to determine whether or not such content is appropriate or acceptable to the Buyer and the Buyer assumes all risk and liability in this regard.

Seller acknowledges and agrees that TrafficJunky has no control over any Advertisements or other content that may be submitted by any Buyer. The Seller assumes all risk and liability for determining whether or not such content is acceptable or appropriate to it. 

Image Optimization. In order for publisher sites to load faster, we need to optimize the images that we show, therefore the image optimization process compresses the image to make the file smaller, so it loads faster. TrafficJunky reserves the right to optimize all images that Advertisers upload to this Website. Users will not be able to opt out of the image optimization process, and we will not keep the original file on our servers. We will replace the original file with the optimized file.

If any User sees any Content that the User believes to violate the applicable law, third party rights or our Terms, please send us a notice at trustandsafety@trafficjunky.com. Upon receipt of a notice, we will take appropriate measures as set out below. When you report content, the User who uploaded the content will not be informed of your identity, unless this is necessary for reasoning our content moderation, such as in cases of infringement of your intellectual property rights. We may also share anonymous information from your report with the uploader where this is necessary to provide the reasons for our measures.  Reporting of CSAM can always be done anonymously, should you prefer. We use a variety of procedures and tools to identify, review and moderate content. This includes both human and automated review.

Automated review may include the use of systems which assist us in identifying potentially infringing Content such as by comparing it to databases of previously digitally fingerprinted content, determining the prioritization of certain issues, and applying appropriate measures.

We may take the following actions if we detect, or are notified of, Content uploaded by a User that infringes the applicable laws, the rights of third parties, or our Terms:

  • Warning the User,
  • Removing content,
  • Restricting the visibility of content,
  • Suspending or terminating the User’s account or access to our services in whole or in part,
  • Suspending, terminating or otherwise restricting the ability of the uploading User to monetise content, and/or
  • Referring the content and/or the User to law enforcement authorities and/or to other appropriate bodies and organizations, as appropriate.

In deciding on the appropriate and proportionate course of action, we will give due consideration to the legitimate interests of the affected User, of any affected right holders and to our own legitimate interests. In particular, we assess the nature of the content concerned and the gravity of the respective violation or illegality. Where we have received a notice, we also consider the explanatory information and evidence provided with the notice and, if available, may also consider the reporting User’s submission history.

Before we temporarily or permanently suspend a User’s access to our services as a reaction to the provision of manifestly illegal Content by that User, we may issue a warning to the User concerned, provided such a warning would not conflict with the purposes of the moderation decision. When deciding on a suspension, we consider all relevant factors of the specific case, such as the frequency, severity, and impact of a violation, as well as any measures previously imposed.


TrafficJunky reserves the right to suspend your access to our reporting systems for a reasonable period of time if you frequently submit notices that are manifestly unfounded. Prior to a suspension, we may issue a warning, provided that this does not conflict with the purpose of the suspension or with other appropriate measures. When deciding on the suspension, we consider factors such as the frequency, severity, and impact of your violations, as well as any prior measures imposed.



TrafficJunky and Sellers may provide links to other Websites which are independent of us. We make no representations or warranties about any such websites and exclude all responsibility for the content or use of any such websites.


Our services are not available to unsupervised persons under eighteen (18) years or twenty-one (21) years where eighteen years is not the legal age of majority ("the age of majority"), in your jurisdiction.

You must not access and use our Website if you have not reached the age of majority and are not using this Website in conjunction with, and under the supervision of, your parents or other legal guardians.


If any provision of our Terms is void, voidable, unenforceable, or illegal, but would not be void, voidable, unenforceable or illegal if it were read down and it is capable of being read down such provision shall be read down accordingly.

If, notwithstanding the above paragraph, a provision is still void, voidable, unenforceable, or illegal:

  • if the provision would not be void, voidable, unenforceable, or illegal if a word or words were omitted, that word or those words are hereby severed; and
  • in any other case, the whole provision is hereby severed, and the remainder of our Terms remain of full force and effect.


We may assign our rights to our Terms in our absolute discretion and without giving any notice.

You are strictly prohibited from assigning or transferring any rights you may have under our Terms. Any attempted assignment or transfer by you shall be void and without legal effect.


The failure, delay, or omission by us to exercise any power or right conferred upon us by our Terms shall not operate as a waiver of such power or right, nor shall any single exercise of any such power or right preclude any other or future exercise of the power, or the exercise of any other power or right under our Terms.

A waiver of any provision of our Terms, or consent to any departure by a User from any provision of our Terms, must be in writing and signed by us (non-electronically) and is effective only to the extent for which it is given.


No agency, partnership, joint venture, employee-employer, affiliate, or franchisor-franchisee relationship is entered into or created by our Terms between you and us.

You agree that we do not owe you any fiduciary duties. We are merely a third-party beneficiary to contracts between Buyers and Sellers with respect to the fees that may arise therefrom.


Notices under these Terms of Use may be given by us electronically by email or by posting notices on this Website. You agree that all communications from us including all agreements, notices and disclosures, may be provided by us in such electronic form which satisfies any legal requirement that such communications be in writing.

You agree that using your username and password to communicate with us or with third parties electronically constitutes your electronic signature and satisfies any legal requirement that such communication be in writing.

The designated electronic single point of contact for communications with recipients of the TrafficJunky service is dsa@trafficjunky.com.

Any ad removal orders pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2021/784 (the “Terrorist Content Online Regulation” or “TCO”), designated competent EU authorities can be completed by clicking on the ‘Ad’ Icon at the top right corner of the ad and selecting the correct reporting reason. If you wish to submit a removal order, you may do so using the template provided in Annex I of the TCO, and conduct all communication in English or Greek.


All provisions except your license to access this Website shall survive any termination or expiration of these Terms of Use. Buyers' and Sellers' contractual obligations made prior to termination survive termination and must be completed.


We may make changes to these Terms of Use from time to time. If we do, we will give you reasonable advance notice of significant changes in text form and in a transparent manner (e. g. via a pop-up notification when logging in, or via email). Unless otherwise agreed, you will be deemed to have agreed to the changes unless you notify us in text form before the proposed effective date of the changes that you do not agree. If you do not agree to the changes, you may no longer use our Website after the proposed changes become effective. In this case, either party can terminate the Terms with immediate effect.


The Terms comprise the entire agreement between you and us. You agree that you have not relied on any prior representations, statements, claims or agreements not contained in the Terms.


The Terms, your use of this Website, and the relationship between you and us shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of Cyprus, to the exception of conflict of law rules. Any legal proceedings in connection with the use of this Website, this Agreement or the performance thereof shall be brought in a competent court in the Republic of Cyprus. The parties consent to the sole and exclusive jurisdiction of such court, and undertake to impose this obligation on their affiliates. You consent to service of process in any legal proceedings.


Aylo Freesites Ltd is registered as part of a VAT group the representative member of which is Aylo Group Ltd.  Its VAT registration number is CY99000217P.

Terms of Use Publishers


By accessing this Website, you will be deemed to have agreed to this Agreement and our Privacy Policy. If you do not intend to be legally bound by these Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy, do not access or use our website or any of its services.


For the purposes of this Agreement, the parties agree that, when used capitalized herein, the following terms shall have the following meanings unless they are otherwise defined in this Agreement:

“Publisher(s)” means one or more customers of MG Freesites Ltd. responsible for the distribution of online Advertising Material on its Website(s).

“Publisher's Website(s)” means the space, including without limitation, homepage, website or e-mail, where the Publisher(s) incorporate or embed the Advertising Material.

“TrafficJunky MarketPlace” means the Publisher network owned and operated by MG Freesites Ltd.

“Impressions” means the number of times Advertising Material is served to a person visiting the Publisher’s Website(s).

"Publisher Earnings" means the total revenue generated by the Publisher using the Advertising Materials less MG Freesites Ltd. margin. Publisher earnings are based on the eCPM generated by the ad spot. MG Freesites Ltd. margin remains at the sole and absolute discretion of MG Freesites Ltd.

“eCPM” means equivalent cost per mil. eCPM is used on the TrafficJunky MarketPlace to calculate the relative cost of an advertising campaign and estimates the cost / revenue per 1000 views of the ad.

“Unique Click” means the number of times, as recorded by TrafficJunky MarketPlace, a user visiting Publisher's Website(s), as identified by IP address, clicks on Advertising Material. A click on Advertising Material by a particular visitor shall only be counted as a Unique Click once every 24-hour period.

“Dashboard” means the interface provided to clients (Publishers, Advertisers and Third Parties) in order to buy and sell traffic on the TrafficJunky MarketPlace.


By virtue of this Agreement Advertiser(s) markets and advertises their goods and services using Advertising Material and Publisher(s) incorporates or embeds the Advertising Material into the Publisher's Website(s) through TrafficJunky MarketPlace. On the top of that, TrafficJunky is providing a guidance to help Advertiser(s) and Publisher(s).


2.1. MG Freesites Ltd. reserves the right to approve or to deny the affiliation of a Publisher at any time. If not approved, Publisher shall not be entitled to the payment of the revenue displayed in its Dashboard. The following are examples of Publisher's Website(s) that are not eligible for participation in the TrafficJunky MarketPlace: - Websites which contain material that infringes the rights of others (including but not limited to copyright and other intellectual property rights) or which promotes copyright piracy. - Websites with reference to illicit practices or containing attempts to human rights such as discrimination, racism, hate or violence. - Websites that participate in or transmit inappropriate newsgroup postings or unsolicited e-mail (spam). - Websites promoting any type of illegal substance or activity (i.e., how to build a bomb, hacking, 'phreaking', etc.) - Websites with illegal, false or deceptive investment advice. - Websites that provide incentives of any nature to require or encourage users to click on ad banners (i.e., charity, sweepstakes, etc.). - Websites that are under construction or incomplete. - Websites containing no specific value added, content or products to users.

Publisher’s Websites and content must be at all times compliant with any applicable Personal Data Protection and Privacy laws and regulation, and shall not violate any law, regulation, rule or custom or violate, infringe or misappropriate any person’s or entity’s rights, including without limitation any property or privacy rights, including intellectual property rights, such as copyrights, trademark rights or rights in name or likeness.

2.2. TrafficJunky regularly checks Publisher’s Website(s). If TrafficJunky determines that Publisher's Website(s) includes any forbidden or non-compliant content, TrafficJunky may close Publisher's account without prior notification. In such a case, Publisher shall not be entitled to the payment of the revenue remaining in its Dashboard.


The following are examples of Publisher's use of Websites or product offering that are not eligible for participation in the TrafficJunky MarketPlace:

3.1. Procuring, billing or servicing for business transactions based on unfair methods or illegal means of doing business that violate any applicable law or this Agreement, are prohibited;

3.2. More specifically, attempts to obtain commissions by procuring, billing or servicing business transactions using the Advertising Material, tracking links and/or other technical aids provided in the context of the TrafficJunky MarketPlace using one or several of the following methods:

3.2.1. Fraudulently pretending or misrepresenting business transactions, for example by entering third party data without authorization or by providing false, misleading or non-existing data when ordering goods or registering online;

3.2.2. Using Advertising Material that enables tracking although it is not displayed at all, not visibly or not in the manner and/or size stipulated by the Advertiser;

3.2.3. Any form of Brand-Bidding or unfair anti-competitive behavior.

3.2.4. Any method to artificially inflate the cpm value of a Publisher spot; it is forbidden to constantly create/delete spots to avoid the end of the probation period. 

3.3. Any form of misuse will lead to the blocking of the Publishers’ accounts immediately. In this case Publishers may raise an objection (by email) within a month in order to provide a statement and evidence that the chosen form of advertising or the Website has been made in accordance with this Agreement. In the event of non-resolution as a result of a breach or non-compliance with this Agreement or violation of applicable law, the Agreement will be terminated. The Publisher shall not be entitled to any remuneration as of the date of termination.

3.4. Fraudulent Impressions. Any method too artificially and/or fraudulently inflates the volume of impressions or clicks are strictly forbidden. Counts of impressions or clicks will be decided solely on the basis of reports generated by TrafficJunky MarketPlace. These prohibited methods include but are not limited to:

  • Creating more than 15 spots per site (active or inactive) and more than 6 active spots per page
  • Framing an ad-banner's click-through destination
  • Auto-spawning of browsers
  • Running 'spiders' against the Publisher's own Website
  • Automatic redirecting of users
  • Advertising Material may not be placed on a page which reloads automatically.
  • Publisher may not require users to click on Advertising Material prior to entering a Website or any area therein or provide incentives of any nature to encourage or require users to click on Advertising Material.
  • Any technique of generating automatic or fraudulent (as determined by TrafficJunky, acting reasonably, or based on industry practices) click-through and/or impressions. 
  • Publisher’s click-through of any link other than TrafficJunky’s Advertising Material, or use of any other means of artificially enhancing click results shall be a material breach of this Agreement, and upon such occurrence, TrafficJunky may terminate this Agreement without prior notification and Publisher shall not be entitled to the payment of the revenue remaining in its Dashboard.


4.1 Payments. Publisher payments are done weekly through Paypal (Net 7) or monthly through Wire Transfer (Net 20). Payments are generated automatically by MG Freesites Ltd. To receive a payment, Publishers must reach the minimum payout limit set up in the TrafficJunky MarketPlace dashboard. MG Freesites Ltd. shall pay Publisher for Advertising Material actually delivered by Publisher to each of Publisher’s Website(s) approved by MG Freesites Ltd.

4.2 Liability for Publisher's Revenue. Publisher understands and agrees that MG Freesites Ltd. acts solely as a third party for the Advertisers; Publisher agrees that (i) MG Freesites Ltd. shall have no liability or obligation to Publisher for payments due but unpaid from Advertisers; (ii) Publisher will only assert any claims therefore directly against the Advertisers; and (iii) Publisher shall hold MG Freesites Ltd. harmless and indemnify it from any claims or liability related to such unpaid amounts. MG Freesites Ltd. agrees to make every reasonable effort to bill, collect and clear payment from the Advertisers on a timely basis. MG Freesites Ltd., reserves the absolute right not to make any payments if the Publisher violates any of the terms and conditions set forth herein.

4.3 Other Expenses. MG Freesites Ltd. assumes no responsibility for paying any income taxes, banking commissions or currency fees on behalf of Publisher. By participating in the TrafficJunky MarketPlace, Publisher assumes complete and sole responsibility for any taxes, banking commissions or currency fees owed as a consequence thereof.


5.1. MG Freesites Ltd. Javascript tag. Publisher(s) shall place the MG Freesites Ltd. Javascript tag on all appropriate pages within its website(s). Publisher(s) shall not alter, sell or disclose the MG Freesites Ltd. Javascript tag in any way without MG Freesites Ltd. prior written consent. The MG Freesites Ltd. Javascript tag for Advertising Material may not be used on a web page other than one located at an approved Website and may not be distributed or submitted to any newsgroup, e-mail distribution list, chat room, guest books, or other location that hasn't been approved by MG Freesites Ltd.

5.2. Recording of Service Counts. MG Freesites Ltd. has the sole responsibility for calculation of statistics, including Impressions, click-through rate, revenues, eCPM. EST Time shall be the time period for traffic and tracking purposes. Statistics shall be available to Publisher online in the TrafficJunky MarketPlace Dashboard. Publisher understands that MG Freesites Ltd.'s online statistics may not be 100% accurate and that MG Freesites Ltd. may make adjustments to Publisher’s online statistics. In the event that coding on Publisher’s Website(s) generates substantial number of erroneous impression due to a technical problem such as server malfunction, coding alteration or a mistake in entering code, MG Freesites Ltd. reserves the right to withhold payment on all Impressions and clicks delivered by Publisher.

5.3. Volume of impressions. MG Freesites Ltd. cannot guarantee any volume of traffic. Impressions can differ from one day to another following the performances of the site targeted.

5.4. Ad Serving Platform. All Statistics of impressions and revenues will be provided by TrafficJunky MarketPlace and shall be used for payments and related data pursuant to this Agreement.


300x250 (pixels), 315x300, 468x60, 950x250. For any other sizes or format you may contact TrafficJunky to get such sizes or format approved. TrafficJunky to get such sizes or format approved.


MG Freesites Ltd. shall use the trade names or trademarks of Publishers, Advertisers or third parties without prior written approval from the party owning such name or mark.


Publisher(s) represents and warrants to MG Freesites Ltd. that:


9.1. MG Freesites Ltd. may at any time terminate this Agreement, or cancel any Ad(s) in accordance with this Agreement. MG Freesites Ltd. will make reasonable efforts to notify Advertiser(s), Publisher(s) and Third Parties via e-mail of any such termination or cancellation within a reasonable period of time. Advertiser(s) may cancel any Ads and/or terminate this Agreement with or without cause at any time by deactivating a campaign in the Dashboard. Publisher(s) may cancel or terminate this Agreement by removing the MG Freesites Ltd. Javascript Tag from the Publisher's Website(s).

9.2. If either party does not fulfill a material obligation defined in this Agreement, the other party has the right to terminate this Agreement thirty (30) days following written notice to the party in breach, provided that such material breach remains uncured, without prejudice of the right to claim the damages caused to the non-breaching party.


The Publisher(s) agree not to disclose MG Freesites Ltd. Confidential Information without MG Freesites Ltd.'s prior written consent. " Confidential Information" includes without limitation: (i) all software, technology, programming, technical specifications, materials, guidelines and documentation related to TrafficJunky MarketPlace; (ii) click-through rates or other statistics provided to You by MG Freesites Ltd.; and (iii) any other information designated in writing by MG Freesites Ltd. as "confidential" or any indication to the same effect. TrafficJunky MarketPlace Confidential Information does not include information that has become publicly known through no breach by You or MG Freesites Ltd., or information that has been (i) independently developed without access to TrafficJunky MarketPlace Confidential Information, as evidenced in writing; (ii) rightfully received by You from a third party; or (iii) required to be disclosed by law or by a governmental authority.


11.1. Each party shall include clearly on its website(s), a privacy policy that describes how such party collects, uses, stores and discloses users’ personal data if any is collected, including without limitation e-mail addresses, and instructs users how to opt-out of such practices. Publisher’s privacy policy shall disclose that third party advertisers may place cookies on the browsers of visitors to Publisher’s Website(s).

11.2. Each party warrants to the other that, during the term of this Agreement, it shall comply with all applicable rules and regulations (including but not limited to laws governing privacy, and data protection).


12.1. Indemnification. You agree to indemnify, defend and hold MG Freesites Ltd. and its officers, directors, shareholders, successors, affiliates, employees, agents and representatives harmless from and against any and all costs, claims, demands, liabilities, expenses, losses, damages and attorney fees arising from any claims and lawsuits as well as all other claims resulting from (i) the participation on the TrafficJunky MarketPlace, (ii) operation of the Publisher's Website(s) submitted to MG Freesites Ltd. for participation on the TrafficJunky MarketPlace or (iii) otherwise arising from a relationship with MG Freesites Ltd. The Publisher(s) also agree to indemnify MG Freesites Ltd. for any legal fees incurred by MG Freesites Ltd., acting reasonably, in investigating or enforcing its rights under this Agreement.



13.1. MG Freesites Ltd. reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions of this Agreement at any time in its sole discretion. MG Freesites Ltd. will provide reasonable notice of any such changes by e-mail and by posting the changes on its site and such notices shall be considered sufficient for a modification to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Modifications may include, but are not limited to, changes in the scope of fees, commission schedules, and payment procedures. All such modifications shall take effect after a notice has been provided above, unless otherwise indicated.


During the term of this Agreement, and any renewal thereof, and for one (1) year after its termination for any reason, Advertiser agrees that it will not do business directly or indirectly with any Publisher listed on the TrafficJunky MarketPlace, or directly or indirectly solicit such Publisher to do business directly with the Advertiser.


15.1. This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Cyprus.

15.2. For any matter related to the interpretation or execution of this Agreement, the parties expressly waive to submit to any courts which might have jurisdiction over the subject matter, and agree to submit to the sole competence and jurisdiction of the Cyprus Courts.


16.1. Force Majeure. Except for payment obligations, if either party is prevented from performing or is unable to perform any of its obligations under this Agreement due to causes beyond the reasonable control of the party invoking this provision, including but not limited to acts of God, acts of civil or military authorities, riots or civil disobedience, wars, strikes or labor disputes (each, a “Force Majeure Event”), such party’s performance shall be excused and the time for performance shall be extended accordingly provided that the party immediately takes all reasonably necessary steps to resume full performance. If such party remains unable to resume full performance fifteen (15) days after the Force Majeure Event, the other party may terminate this Agreement upon written notice.

16.2. Severability. Should any of the provisions of this Agreement be declared invalid or unenforceable by the rules and regulations of Cyprus court, such provisions shall be deemed several from the remainder of this Agreement and not affect the validity or enforceability of the remainder of this Agreement. In that case, such provisions shall be changed and interpreted to achieve the purposes of those provisions as much as possible within the extent of relevant laws or judgment of the court.

16.3. Survival. All relevant Sections shall survive termination or expiration of this Agreement for any reason. All other rights and obligations of the parties under this Agreement shall expire upon termination of this Agreement, except that all payment obligations accrued hereunder prior to termination or expiration shall survive such termination.

16.4. Assignment. Neither party may assign, sublicense, delegate or otherwise transfer any of its rights or obligations under this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other party. Notwithstanding the foregoing, either party may, without the consent of the other party, assign this Agreement to an entity merging with, consolidating with, or purchasing substantially all its assets or stock, provided that the assignee shall assume in writing all rights and obligations under this Agreement.

16.5. Notices. All notices and other communications hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given when delivered in person or by email (including by internationally recognized commercial delivery service), and on the day the notice is sent or received, if the time of transmission is during recipient’s business day, or if not on the next business day thereafter, in each case to the respective parties at the addresses provided by the them in writing. Either party may change its address by providing the other party with written notice of the change in accordance with this section.

16.6. Relationship of Parties. The parties are independent contractors and will have no right to assume or create any obligation or responsibility on behalf of the other party. Neither party shall hold itself out as an agent of the other party. This Agreement will not be construed to create or imply any partnership, agency, joint venture or formal business entity of any kind.

16.7. Waiver. No delay or failure by either party to exercise any right or remedy under this Agreement will constitute a waiver of such right or remedy.

16.8. Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all previous agreements, oral or written, with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement.

16.9. Headings. The headings of the articles and paragraphs contained in this Agreement are inserted for convenience and are not intended to be part of or to affect the interpretation of this Agreement.

16.10. Construction. The parties acknowledge and agree that the Agreement has been jointly prepared and its provisions will not be construed more strictly against either party as a result of its participation in such preparation.

16.11. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, which taken together shall form one legal instrument.

16.12. No Third Party Beneficiaries. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure solely to the benefit of the parties hereto and their permitted assigns and nothing herein, express or implied, is intended to or shall confer upon any other person any legal or equitable right, benefit or remedy of any nature whatsoever under or by reason of this Agreement.

  • All content, products, and services on the Publisher's Website(s) are legal to distribute, that it owns or has the legal right to use, and will not infringe, any and all copyrights, trademarks, patents or other proprietary rights;
  • The Publisher's Website(s) do not, and will not during the term of this Agreement, contain any material described in the “Misuse” Section of this Agreement;
  • The Publisher's Website(s) are free of any "worm", "virus", "malware" or other device that could impair or injure any person or entity;
  • It is generally familiar with the nature of the Internet and will comply with all rules and regulations that may apply; and it will conduct its business in compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations;
  • It has full legal power and authority under its organizational documents to enter into this Agreement and to perform the obligations contained herein; and the execution of this Agreement and the performance of its obligations by Publisher(s) will not conflict with or cause a breach or violation of any agreement, law, regulation or other obligation to which Publisher(s) is a party or subject; and
  • The Publisher(s) must respect the prohibition of unsolicited advertisement (“Spam”) when sending e-mails containing Advertising Material. Therefore, the consent of each and every recipient is to be obtained prior to sending e-mails; should MG Freesites Ltd. request, Publisher(s) must provide written evidence of such consent has been granted.


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