Guide: Ad Rotation – Adjust Your Ad Weights Per Source

Ad rotation refers to the frequency of which a specific ad is served, in relation to other ads, for the same source for a singular campaign. This information can be crucial when determining the performance of your campaign. For example, to see which ads best meet your advertising goals. It is also useful when conducting A/B testing, or when determining how to allocate your spending budget.

Updated May 2024

In this blog

TrafficJunky’s Ad Rotation Options

By default, your campaign is set to Manual. What this means is you control the ad weights, and therefore, the frequency of which your different ads are served for the same source. TrafficJunky also offers Autopilot, which automates the ad weights based on their performance. Please note that a campaign must have 2 or more creatives to utilize either Manual or Autopilot.

Overview of Autopilot Ad Rotation

Select this option if you want an automated adjustment of ad weights based on how they perform for a source. Please note that a conversion tracker is required for autopilot.

Autopilot runs once a day at midnight and adjusts the ad weights using the following information:

Data from the Past 2 Days

  • Total impressions
  • Total conversions

Data from the Past 7 Days

  • Total impressions
  • Total conversions
  • Total revenue

Enable Autopilot

  1. Login to your TrafficJunky account.
  2. Create a campaign or identify an existing campaign you wish to edit.
  3. Go to Step 3: Tracking, Sources, & Rules.
  4. Add a conversion tracker by selecting one from the dropdown. If you haven’t already created a conversion tracker, please refer to this blog post.

    Add a conversion tracker to take advantage of Autopilot Ad Rotation.
  5. Go to Step 5: Ads.
  6. Under the Ad Rotation for Ad(s) Optimization section, click on Autopilot.

    Let Autopilot Adjust your Ad's Rotation

  7. Click Save Campaign. The autopilt feature is now enabled.

Check Ad Performance per Source

  1. Go to the Sources tab.

  2. Click on Ad Rotation.
  3. Find the Source you want to review in the Sources Table.
  4. Click on the text in the Ad Rotation column for your desired source. It will say Autopilot by default.

    Click on Ad Rotation column for your desired source.

  5. You will be able to see how the creatives are performing for that source. However, you cannot see/edit ad weights when Autopilot is turned on.

    Ad Rotation

Overview of Manual Ad Rotation

Select this option if you want complete control over the frequency with which your ads are served per a source. A conversion tracker is not needed.

Select this option if you want complete control over the ad weights for a specific source within a singular campaign. The higher the ad weight is compared to other ads for the source, the more often it will be displayed to visitors. The default weight is 100 but can range anywhere from 1 to 999. Please note that ad weights are whole numbers only, they cannot be decimals.


You have two ads for a single source.

  • The first ad has a weight of 9: this ad will be served 90% of the time.
  • The second ad has a wight of 1: this ad will be served 10% of the time.

Adjust Ad Weights Manually

  1. Login to your TrafficJunky account.
  2. Go to the Campaign Overview page.

    Campaign Overview

  3. Click the Sources tab.

    Sources tab for TrafficJunky Campaign Overview page

  4. Find the source you want to adjust in the Sources table.
  5. Click in the text in the Ad Rotation column for your desired source. By default, it will say Even.

    By default, the ad rotation for your campaign will be EVEN

  6. The Ad Rotation pop up will appear. This is where you can adjust the ad weights.
  7. Click Save Rotation.
  8. On the Sources tab, it will now say Adjusted on the ad rotation you changed.

    The sources tab will say Adjusted if your campaign is in Manual ad rotation

Switch from Autopilot to Manual Ad Rotation

Note: When switching from Autopilot to Manual, the ad weights will reset to the default Even or Adjusted values.

  1. Sign in to your TrafficJunky account.
  2. Identify an existing campaign that has Autopilot enabled.
  3. Go to Step 5: Ad(s).
  4. Under the Ad Rotation for Ad(s) Optimization section, click on Manual.

    Switch from autopilot to manual ad rotation

  5. Click Save Campaign. Manual Ad rotation will be enabled.